July 16th, 2008

115 Days Clean

Anderson was at the meeting last night.

He looked like shit.

July 17th, 2008

My dick is so hard right now, I don’t know why Abigail isn’t here.

Sometimes I just look at her ass when I’m bored in class and my dick gets hard and I just hope the teacher doesn’t call me up to the board. She likes it. I’ll get her attention and make her look down and move my dick in my pants. Cock cleavage. The teacher will be talking and I’m just in my seat getting my dick hard as I can, sometimes on the verge of coming and then I’m like pssst “Abigail” and she watches me while I jerk my dick through my joggers.

She’s not here though. She left the program.

I feel bad. I think its cause I fucked her and never talked to her again.

July 21st, 2008

120 Days Clean

Kevin will be relapsing in three to four business days. He mailed Anderson some money and Anderson mailed him pants with Roxy’s sewed into the stitching. His parents sent him to rehab… again, and he’s getting pants mailed to him with pills in it, lmao.

Ha. “Oh, my pants are here! So excited! God, I love these.”

It’s crazy. His parents spent all this money to send him away to a “good treatment center.”