March 6th, 2008

Day 31 Clean


It’s so sweet to not be sweating.

Yesterday I did something I wasn’t supposed to, I went to go get Kevin pills again. I don’t know why, I guess it’s all I really know how to do, get drugs.  I really didn’t want to, he called me,

 “Yo, do you know anyone who’s got blues,” I had just gotten home from school,  

“Nah, man… not really”

I’m hurting”… as soon as he said that- I felt it. Hurting... that’s what we called it when we are withdrawing. I made a phone call and was able to get him some subs to hold him over.

Anyway, this school isn’t so bad. I haven’t really explained my whole school situation...

I was going to regular high school, junior year, I got arrested at school for snorting Roxys in the middle of the cafeteria, I didn’t have my contacts in and didn’t realize the security guard was looking right at me.

I was pretty dope sick the day before I got arrested, I had no other choice but to finally sell my phone, iPod, and these sunglasses, I gave them to Valentine. I didn’t really sell them, I gave them to him as collateral, he fronted me 16 pills, the next day I was at school in the cafeteria cause we were taking some test for weight training, funny how I knew the answers to every single question, I’ve always been into fitness and working out... I was taking my test and I had my pill crusher with me. I had 3 pills left, I threw 3 into the crusher, got it to a fine powder, looked up, saw a security guard but didn’t think he was really looking at me, then stuck in a straw and inhaled the pills. I looked up and the security guard was running over. They’ve searched me probably 20 times in the past, they never find anything. They ask me to get up and we start wrestling with the pill crusher, they don’t even know what it is. They find some residue and I told them I was snorting Adderall. I should of said I was snorting some kind of over the counter shit, totally forgot that Adderall was kind of illegal to snort and is still prescription hahaha, in my mind Adderall is like coffee… so I got kicked out of school and got sent to some learning center for kids who get kicked out of school. I kept using and faking my drug tests, then we had this big intervention, I detoxed at Fort Lauderdale Hospital and then they found this other school for me, it’s not really a school, it’s like an office,  like a big office with one classroom, like 10 kids. We have school and groups, groups on dumbshit... bunch of dumbshit. They drug test us here and search us everyday before we walk in, like we straight up get stripped searched everyday, down to our boxers. The school is Monday-Friday, we get on the bus around 7am and come home at 5:30pm. We don’t even ride in a school bus, this medical van picks us up every day and drops us off. Looks like we are all retarded. 

I’m reading The Wolf of Wall Street, this guy Jordan Belfort is one sick fuck.


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